Decade Sponsor


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New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) is the government agency international business development agency. Our goal for New Zealand is a high-wage, low-emission, secure economy. 

This means we need innovative, internationally competitive companies, differentiated by their quality, customer relationships and sustainability.

NZTE photo

In New Zealand, NZTE supports companies to get ready for exporting and investment, so they can accelerate their international growth.

Internationally, we equip New Zealand businesses with local market knowledge and connections through our global teams and network of private sector advisors. We fast-track their learning curve by connecting them to the right agency, service provider, business advisor, market research, resource, workshop or event.

We also connect international businesses and investors with high-value growth opportunities in New Zealand.

Working across every time zone in the world, NZTE employs around 600 people in 54 offices globally, with 40 languages spoken. By supporting New Zealand businesses, we boost New Zealand’s economy and reputation, and help to share what’s special about New Zealand with the rest of the world.